U.S. FDA Food Canning Establishment (FCE) Registration and Process Filings (SID)

   It is required by the US FDA that companies which produce certain shelf-stable, aseptically-sealed low-acid canned or acidified foods must obtain a Food Canning Establishment (FCE) registration. Moreover, manufacturers must file documentation with U.S. FDA for each process that is used in the production of foods subject to these requirements. Each of these processes is given a unique "Submission Identifier" (SID) also known as a "Process Filing".

   Failure to obtain the above may result in U.S. FDA refusals and detentions of canned, bottled, jarred, and other shelf-stable foods shipped to the United States.

            Make sure you comply with U.S. FDA regulations through the expert help of our company.

Αναγνωριστικό παρακολούθησης UA-58073531-1